The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #132588   Message #3006994
Posted By: John P
14-Oct-10 - 02:18 PM
Thread Name: BS: Tea Party = Flawed Economic Model
Subject: RE: BS: Tea Party = Flawed Economic Model
So, we should return to sweatshops and 14 hour days????
beardedbruce, when you say things like this you lose your debate. Putting words in other peoples' mouths just doesn't cut it.

How about a law that says that anything that gets sold in the United States has to be manufactured, sold, shipped, and supported by people who work according to U.S. labor laws? The short-sightedness of sending all our jobs overseas is astonishing. They lost their customers! People who don't have jobs can't afford to buy things, even inexpensive things made with slave labor in third world countries. What idiots!

One of the reasons we had to pass a health care bill was that way too many of us lost our health care because having insurance is tied to having a job, and most of the jobs are gone.

Why does anyone think we should go back to the Republican economic model after that model caused the last couple years of financial meltdown? Not that I think the Democratic model is much better, but at least they want to keep the billionaires from stealing money so blatantly.