The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #132588   Message #3007012
Posted By: Donuel
14-Oct-10 - 02:38 PM
Thread Name: BS: Tea Party = Flawed Economic Model
Subject: RE: BS: Tea Party = Flawed Economic Model
Off yur meds again Sawz? tsk tsk
The Republican Party is so discredited to the poorest base that something like a tea party needed to be invented as an alternative for religious conservatives even though it is still under the thumb of Republican party chiefs.

to the tune springtime for hitler

republicans were in deep shit
what a sad sad story
needed a new party to restore
its former glory
Where oh where could it be
they looked from sea to sea
Dick Army looked around
and then he found
a group for you and me

[and the white girls sing...]
and    now    its
Springtime for Repubs and tea parties
Winter for Barak and Feds
We will reload and threaten death
We are all tired of massive debt (unless its your debt)

Springtime for fox news and tea parties
Right wing is happy and gay (no way)
We're marching to a faster pace
Look out here comes a whiter race.

Springtime for Repubs and Tea Parties
Our lands a fine land once more
Springtime for Big Oil and Multi nats
Com' on Corportions go into your dance...

Don't be stupid be a smarty come and join a new tea party
Foreigners will give big bucks if we stiff those union f**ks
Com'on now Don't be a jerk lets outsource all our work

And now its Springtime for Big Oil and billionaires
Its time to apologize to me
Springtime for Repubs and tea parties
Means that
Soon well be going
WQe've got to be going
You bet we'll be going
You know we'' be going to WAR!!

Lets not be too disrepectfull of BB abd Doug R and their friends.
After all, for them to hold thier right wing beliefs to be in their best interests they must have a minimum of $6 million dollars as well as property wealth. Thats enough coin to make trouble for any middle class person living month to month.