The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #132588   Message #3007362
Posted By: Stringsinger
14-Oct-10 - 09:11 PM
Thread Name: BS: Tea Party = Flawed Economic Model
Subject: RE: BS: Tea Party = Flawed Economic Model
Many Tea Partiers suffer from the Hugh Hefner Syndrome. He sold Playboy Magazine not to the well-heeled or the economically elite but by the poor working stiff who wanted to become the bunny-chasing bon vivant.

The Tea Partiers often defend the corporate masters because they want to become them and entertain some delusion that somehow they might be included into their inner circle.

Bush even tried that ploy by purposely misusing the English language to get working-class people to believe that he was one of them when in fact he was born with lots of money and privilege, and was not a Texas cowboy but a Kennebunkport idle rich kid.
He had no intention of helping out middle and lower class families. In a talk to the wealthy businessmen he called them "his base".

All the poor deluded people loved Bush. "He made it, so can I!" Only in America Myth
Number One.

It's not "about economy, stupid". (I don't mean you Bobert, we're on the same page) It's about a misplaced ideology that has the seeds of its own destruction built in. The Tea Partiers will never become the Koch Brothers or Dick Armey They embrace the corporations who in turn will take great pleasure in screwing them (probably from behind so they won't know who is doing it.)