The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #132754   Message #3007801
Posted By: Little Hawk
15-Oct-10 - 11:17 AM
Thread Name: BS: Unpopular Views of Obama Administration
Subject: RE: BS: Unpopular Views of Obama Administration
You must have forgotten to read my final paragraph, Bobert! Yes, the mass media chains are owned by a few fabulously rich people, and they dutifully spout the propaganda that pushes the marketing and controlling agenda of those rich people. But even more importantly, the media play the divide and conquer game all the time. They do that by constantly provoking "liberals" against "conservatives", Democrats against Republicans, Blacks against Whites, Christians against Muslims, and so on. Wherever they can find a sore point and a division, they pour salt onto the wounds and drive people into further conflict.

That gets ordinary people like you and Sawzaw to waste your energy fighting with each other on some forum rather than joining together to take on the real forces that are oppressing you.

Now do you get what I'm talking about? The media DO like liberals...just like they like conservatives...because without BOTH liberals AND conservatives they can't play the great divide and conquer game that disempowers all of you and lets their rich bosses walk away with the spoils.

There are well known "liberal" shows and personalities who ridicule conservatives. There are well known conservative shows and personalities who ridicule liberals. You know their names and their personalities. You cheer for the ones who ridicule the other side. That's the way the nedia wants it. They do not want agreement and concord, they want conflict between ordinary people, because conflict between ordinary people moves the agenda of the rich and powerful forward every time. More police state. More security. More laws. More war. Less civil rights. More fear. More control.

That's the name of the game. Divide and conquer.

"You can always get one half of the poor to kill the other half of the poor for you." - Boss Tweed in Gangs of New York