The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #132825   Message #3007935
Posted By: GUEST,mg
15-Oct-10 - 02:32 PM
Thread Name: BS: How Chile rescue has changed the world
Subject: RE: BS: How Chile rescue has changed the world
Islandbridge, Dublin 8.

Madam, – For centuries the question has been asked, what is the greatest invention of all time? How fitting, therefore, in a troubled 21st century, that a simple revolving wheel should bring such a degree of joy and relief to the modern world. – Yours, etc,


Howth Road, Dublin 5.

Madam, – Surely a major miner miracle? – Yours, etc,


Rathbawn Drive,

Castlebar, Co Mayo.

Madam, – Why are we so moved by the rescue of the Chilean miners?

It is because ordinary men were not abandoned by their government in their hour of need. It's because the vulnerable were considered worth protecting; because a nation and its leaders rallied together in the belief that even the lives of these simple working men were worth every effort to save; because we are tired of the cynical greed and selfishness of our own national life, where the weak are abandoned and only the strong defended.

We have much to learn from the Chilean miners. – Yours, etc,


Oaklands Crescent,


Dublin 6.

Some Irish comments above...

As to what will happen the next time in West Virgnia? It will be different. It will be different in CHina and in Poland and in South Africa because they won't be able to get away with it at least to the degree as in the past. The world will watchguard and demand certain things and also provide assistance..and the first country they will call on will probably be Chile. mg