The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #120208   Message #3008154
Posted By: Bobert
15-Oct-10 - 08:46 PM
Thread Name: BS: KKK/Tea Party Day
Subject: RE: BS: KKK/Tea Party Day
Exhibit #2874 and counting, Sawz, that you don't, ahhhhhh, get it...

Rednecks ain't about "ism"... It's about a segment of the white populace who are eat up dumbasses... And so proud of it that they spend the money that their mama gave them to by food for bigass decals that the proudly display on the back windows of their pickup trucks that read "Redneck"...

Hey, I can tolerate 'um just fine... Lotta of them is my friends... I got huntin' with a few of them... I get my pot from them... I hang out with them... I mean, this ain't at all about toleratin' dumbass white people... It's about not wanting them polluting Tom Jefferson's experiement with dumbass votes that really don't have any relationship with "informed" electorate... I mean, voting to rednecks has nuthin' to do with knowledge... Voting is like a sporting event to them... Just like a NASCAR race... They all been told by Boss Hog to vote fir Repubs unlesd they want to be seen as pinhead, educated "elitists" and so they do... Kinda like rooting fir the 88 car...

A Redneck can not tell you the 3 branches of government... Heck, half of 'um think NASCAR has to be one of 'um three... No??? Sheet fire... I would swored NASCAR was one... How about Budweiser?? That one??? Guess again, Bubba...

You must not really know to many renecks, do ya' Saws??? Shedet fire, spon... I known and lived wid 'um all my life...

That ain't intolerance on my part... It's just simple observation... Don't thin so??? Tell ya' what, Sawz... Bring yer butt on down to Page County, Virginny an; ol' hillbilly introduce you to a few of 'um... You can ask 'um the questions that you think Tom Jefferson would accept as the very basics of what "informed" means... Then maybe you'll have a larger world view of this country... Right now, I kinda see you as this elitist who thinks that I don't know squat about the stuff I talk about... Sheet fire, son... I gotta a PhD in rednecks and squat... Might of fact, me and Al Gore invented squat... Sho nuff did...

Now I'll do that fir you... You know, introduce you to some of my friends if you'll take this thread to a professor on race studies...

