The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #120208   Message #3008213
Posted By: Bobert
15-Oct-10 - 11:03 PM
Thread Name: BS: KKK/Tea Party Day
Subject: RE: BS: KKK/Tea Party Day
Nah, Sawz, you ain't no redneck... Jus' a corporate shill... Yoare what I think of as a "handler"... You know, the folks that pull the strings and levers on Redneck Nation... You fully understand that you can either stay rich or keep yer bosses rich my mobilizin' Redneck Nation to vote for you and yer bosses...

Heck, that ain't all that hard...

But do you really know rednecks as people... I do... I doubt that you do... I doubt that you'd be able to do what I00 do around rednecks... I mean, I live with rednecks, party with 'um, play a little music with 'um, get high with 'um, get drunk with 'um... That ain't no brag... Just fact...

Ain't no axe to grind, Sawz... Ain't no high horse...

What I know is that, yeah, I gotta lotta redneck in me... I can gut and butcher a deer in less than 15 minutes... I like my shine... I like my pot... I got pictures of the race cars I done raced on my walls... But I also got an friggin' education and I understand alot of stuff that my redneck friends is way the heck over their heads...

I mean, I understand that they are being manipulated by yer guys to votes against their own interests... No matter how I try to tell 'um that they just make jokes about it... I mean, I understand that these folks ain't gonna listen to "that shit" from me... I mean, ignorance is a terrible thing 'cause peoples who ain't got no education ain't gonna change... They is what they is...

I mean, I loves 'um but they ain't gonna change... They gonna do dumbass stuff and do time in jail... They gonna vote like Boss Hog wants them to 'cause all their friend say ol' Bobert might be okay but he he ain't right so just vote fir the Republican guy...

That ain't no high horse... Maybe a low horse... I mean, if you find anyone tell you that I ain't who I say I am then you got right to say I on high horse... Ain't no high horse here...

And no put-down neither...

Ya' see, I've got a really strange mix of life's experiences and education... Kinda makes me a mis-fit... My wife don't understand how I can be just as comfortable with black folk as with rednecks... Heck, having lived with both segments of the population I'm ***blessed***... Ain't no brag... Just fact...

As fir right wingers??? Ya'll need to get yer heads outta Boss Hog's ass and try to see that Boss Hog don't give a flyin' fuck fir nuthin' but how much money he can extract from ya'll... Hey, if you are Boss Hog and ya' gotta bigass stock portfolio then I understand... I really do... But if ya' ain't then I don't get it??? BTW, Redneck Nation ain't in Boss Hog's plans for the segment of the population than needs a few more crumbs... I know that... I try to tell my redneck friends that... They just go, "Man, you are wierd"???

Square business...
