The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #132829   Message #3008341
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish 1
16-Oct-10 - 07:05 AM
Thread Name: BS: UK school meals
Subject: RE: BS: UK school meals
Lox, i totally disagree with you. This is about good and bad parents, parents who care for their children and parents who don't give a fuck, I'm afraid.

To have become a nation where school breakfast clubs now open at 6am...SIX in the MORNING, is atrocious.

Where is the family? Where is the care and love for that child? That child dropped off at 6am will have been up since 5am probably, getting ready....and his mother has no time to give him breakfast on the way to work???? He then has to stay in school, working hard all day long, untl when....? some schools are now open until 10pm...?????

Here in Torquay there are many young people, barely adults, who have children themselves, and they don't give a damn about those little ones. Maybe they come from homes that didn't give a damn about them either, probably so, sadly. But this can also happen in rich households

We've devalued motherhood, de-feminised our young girls, got everyone to believe that ALL must be out working, thus increasing the prices of everything, as the Corporate Bastards take in two salaries from each household, no longer just one. It's crap to say that bad mothering, or fathering, is because folks don't have the time. They have time for videos, time for computers, time for other things...

Home is where the heart is, or was...But now there is no-one at home, so there is no heart out there in our communities. Young women don't want to learn to cook, they want to be celebrities, or pole dancers, and they love crap food, so they give it to their kids. The Corporate Food Bastards have filled the fast food with chemicals to which the brain becomes addicted very, very fast, so normal food is not what folks want any longer, because it doesn't touch the same parts of the brain...It's so evil, and so corrupt!

CHILDREN are the most important thing in life. You never get that time back again, you can't rub it out and do it all over again..By all means have a breakfast club if you must, but have it after school has started, where kids are allowed to sit down and have a really good snack, with milk and nutritous food abounding..and let them eat it whilst they're learning too, just as they would at home...

Teach children not just about food, but about how to care for their future children. Teach them about love and being proud to be a mother or a father. Teach them how being a parent is the most important thing in life. Teach them NOT to have children, purely so they can get a flat, or whatever, but to ONLY have children if they are going to love them, more than anything else in life. Teach them to put their children first, above drugs, alcohol, computer games, cigarettes or nights out..Teach them to be the adult, when they have children. Teach them to realise that sticking their kid into school at 6am is WRONG, wholly and unconditionally WRONG...and that to live in a tent in the middle of a forest would be a damn site better than giving in to the kind of crap that is going on at the moment..because the generation that's being 'raised by the state' at present is going to be soooo bloody angry and uncaring, come their days of parenthood....

But don't ever use lack of money for being a bad parent, because there is NO excuse for being a bad parent....and I know that some of what I've written may upset some folks, but we have to get real here, and start fighting for what is truly important in life...and the institutionalising of our children is deeply, shit scaringly wrong, as is the dumbing down of Motherhood and the denial of feminine love, feminine care being oh so very, every important to the survival of the human race...

Down witih Feminism. Up with Caring, Loving Femininity and Strong, Proud Mothers!

And also, up with the wonderful Jamie Oliver for his absolute passion about children and what they are eating, and how so many of their parents are killing them...because he has the guts to stand up and say "ENOUGH!!" This video will blow you away.........I'm off to sign that petition now...                                                            

Jamie Oliver's brilliant TED speech on Food and our Children