The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #132809   Message #3008731
Posted By: kendall
16-Oct-10 - 08:07 PM
Thread Name: BS: Hey skeptics, UFOs over NYC today
Subject: RE: BS: Hey skeptics, UFOs over NYC today
I was watching a field in 1960 with another Warden when suddenly we both saw something in the sky very close to land. It was a row of lights that did not move. We did not see it come or go. I got out of the car to use the scope on my rifle for a closer look and that the last I recall until a few minutes later when it was pitch dark.
Until the day he died that other Warden refused to talk about it.

I still don't know what it was. I do know what it wasn't; a plane, helicopter, weather balloon, etc. And there is no swamp gas over Deer Isle Maine.