The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #132829   Message #3008982
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish 1
17-Oct-10 - 06:50 AM
Thread Name: BS: UK school meals
Subject: RE: BS: UK school meals
The BBC did a News article 'live' from a school, somewhere in England, where the children were already busy working, obviously they were working for the cameras too. But the chap stated this Breakfast Club within this school opened at 6am. I thought I was hearing things, but that is what he said. Later, at work I mentioned it to one of the other girls there, she's also seen it, also couldn't believe the 6am start and then she said.."And did you hear him say about the school still being open until 10pm, for parents to pick their children up?"

I've found more than a few 'nurseries' that open from 6am to 6.30pm...and just last night I was talking to my best friend, who's worked in her local playgroup (or whatever communist name they give them these days - is it still pre-school learning alliances?) worked their for over 10 years.

In that time she's seen massive changes. Firstly, they now take *babies*, alongside toddlers...They too are opening far earlier than they once did. Parents are becoming ever more demanding, now wanting charts to know when their children have been to the toilet, both minor and major productions, and when they last had their nappies changed. (!!!)

Many parents are becoming more and more rude to the staff as the demands continue to grow. ALL children now have end of term reports on them, and are constantly 'assessed'.

Roll back to when I used to help run a playgroup. It was staffed by the Mums who sent their children there, on a rota basis, run by one full time Mum who was the main leader. There was no OFSTED, no assessments, no reports, NO BABIES, no 2 people accompanying every child to the toilet to ensure 1 wasn't a paedeophile (!!!) If a child fell over, or got upset, guess what we did??? We hugged and kissed them, just as if they were our own little ones, NOT in sexual way, but in a maternal way, as folks have been doing for centuries, and as many folks in other countries where the world hasn't gone insane, still do.

No child was abused, injured or scarred for life. No parent was resentful or demanding.

If you break the natural bond between mother and child you will, in most instances, cause enormous problems.

When you have a child you don't just give birth to that child, but to a whole new set of emotions and instincts..Maternal Instincts. Nature does this to ensure the survival of the species, which is why women, whether folks like it or not, for the most part, are the better carers of babies and small children, because we are programmed to sense things differently to men.

Fathers are equally important, but in very different ways, and they fulfill other areas of the child's life which a Mother cannot do to the same level. It is what nature intended, and we have, for some extraordinary reason broken that natural bond, destroyed that natural instinct...or at least, we like to think we have...

The trouble is, those instincts are still inside most women who have children, and they are depressed, angry and resentful at having to hand over their children to others, because they have no other choice but to go out and earn the money to put food on the table or help to pay the mortgage, or both.

And so, the crazy rules become more and more demanding, more and more keeping the carers from showing the children any affection at all, lest they get reported for child molestation or worse...It is breaking not only the bond between Mother and Child, but between Child and Adult.

I am, before everyone squawks at me, well aware there are some women who are absolutely shite mothers. I am also well aware that there are some men who make far better 'mothers' than their wives, partners, or who have no choice but to take on that role, due to tragedy of some kind where the mother is no longer please don't folks get all upset.

I am generalising here, and generally, it IS the Mothers, the women, who have that Maternal Instinct, who are 'connected' to their child in an almost 'telepathic' way, by emotions that only come when the child is born.

If David Cameron wants a Big Society, then ALL mothers should be offered the choice of whether they want to stay at home with their children and be helped financially to do that..and I don't just mean 1 or 2 years, I'm talking at least 10 years, or until the child starts school at a decent age, and no child should be in school at 4 years old, it's preposterous.

Babies should be with their Mums. Fact.
Children need their Mothers around as much as possible. Fact.
Mothers are important. Fact.
Fathers are important. Fact.
They are each designed by nature to fulfill different roles. Fact.
Some are capable of fulfilling both roles. Fact
Some very much are not. Fact.

I'm not scared to stand up and say it's all gone shittily and mind blowingly wrong, and the traumas from this piece of idiocy now reach into all corners of what was once a 'society'....

Once, most Mothers were at home. THEY were the Community. They knew everyone around, they spotted the strangers, they were alert to danger, they supported each knew that if Mum wasn't there, they could go round to Mrs. soandso down the road and she'd look after them until Mum got back...It was a strong, united community.

Yes, there were faults, there always are, but it was one helluva lot better than we have now!

But then, if you want to bring a country to its' knees you have to first divide the families up, separate the child from the 'nuclear' family, as someone once said to me. That way, the State, or whoever is really in charge of The State, has a clean board on which to work.

Never has my country been so disunited. Never has it been so dumbed down, so damned easy to manipulate, en masse. But, that has happened...and part of the reason it has happened is because we have broken nature-natural family ties to the point of non-existance in some cases..

We have done so at our peril.

Crow Sister, any mother who puts their child into care at 6am in the morning does not have my respect. YOU, the parent, should be there in the morning, having breakfast, talking, having contact with your child.

A few years back this breakfast club thing would have been thought of as shocking, now it is being thought of as totally acceptable and is hugely on the increase.

What comes next...5am starts...all night/all day caring institutes for your children?

Fuck, just give birth to 'em and hand 'em over. That way you can get on with your life just as you did before. Visit them twice a year, take them a prezzie and tell the world how well Little Johnny and Jemima are doing, how proud you are of them, what a Glowingly Great Parent you are...

But hey, when Little Johnny and Jemima turn into the school bullies, or want nothing to do with you from a very early age, look to yourself, don't blame them....

As someone said in another thread...such wise words..

"Hurt people hurt people"

And boy! are we HURTING so many of our children at the moment!

And now, back to school dinners...