The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #132844   Message #3009198
Posted By: Backwoodsman
17-Oct-10 - 12:32 PM
Thread Name: BS: Are ALL male BMW drivers bald?
Subject: RE: BS: Are ALL male BMW drivers bald?
"Bloody useless piece of junk for any real offroading but does of course elevate the driver (poser?) to the rank of "complete w*nker"."

Totally irrelevant whether a 4x4 is any good for offroading - how many of those conceited tossers that drive a Chelsea Tractor have ever been offroading? (By 'offroading' I mean, of course, deliberately driving off-road - leaving the road accidentally, due to their incompetance as drivers, does not count as 'offroading', it's 'shitdriving').