The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #132857   Message #3009242
Posted By: Rabbi-Sol
17-Oct-10 - 01:42 PM
Thread Name: performing in churches ?
Subject: RE: performing in churches ?
As an Orthodox Jew I am forbidden to enter a church for any purpose whatsoever. The first 10 years that I was eligible to vote I did not because the polling place was in the basement of a church. When the politicians finally realized how many votes they were losing from the Jewish community because of this they finally took the voting machines out of the church and put them in the local public school where they belong. Voter registration immediately tripled after this was done.

As president of the Borderline Folk Music Club, I had a clause inserted into our bylaws stating that none of our concerts or other functions can ever be held in a church even if it were given to us free of charge. I want to be able to attend all of my club's functions and out of respect to me this policy has remained in effect for the past 6 years even though the vast majority of the members are not orthodox and many not even Jewish.

This ban also extends to any church affiliated facilities such as a Catholic high school gymnasium or auditorium where crucifixes or statues of the Virgin Mary are prominently displayed. It falls under the prohibition of idolatry.

Our local hospital, Good Samaritan in Suffern, either covers up or removes the crucifixes from any rooms that are being occupied by Jewish patients. They really go out of their way to acommodate us.