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Thread #132857   Message #3009353
Posted By: meself
17-Oct-10 - 04:11 PM
Thread Name: performing in churches ?
Subject: RE: performing in churches ?
Bob - If I may so, you seem a little confused: on the one hand, you don't want to play in churches for fear of seeming to condone various religious outlooks; on the other hand, you are peeved about having been barred from playing in a chapel on the basis that your music would not condone the religious outlook connected with that chapel. It seems to me that the people who barred you share your take on the situation: they don't feel that music that doesn't condone their religion belongs in their chapel; your initial post would indicate that you would feel the same way. I don't understand why you feel it's okay for you to refuse to play in their sacred space, but wrong for them to refuse to let you play in their sacred space ... ?

Am I missing something (has that loose screw finally fallen out)?