The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #132878   Message #3009455
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish 1
17-Oct-10 - 07:01 PM
Thread Name: BS: Spare a thought for good old Joe
Subject: RE: BS: Spare a thought for good old Joe
I was really enjoying watching those threads appear. As each one did, and it became more outrageous and funny than the last one, I was chuckling away over here in Torquay...because I knew the naughty lil' schoolboys who've refused to grow up and were coming out with the next witty title, then the next, ad infinitum, were chuckling away in front of their screens too, joining in the fun..

Come on, guys, lighten up. Life isn't all about trad. music and being sensible, staying on thread and never having a giggle. Gawd you'll all end up with serious, down turning wrinkles if you carry on like that...

And Joe loves getting his Naughty Step out and flexing his Cyber Muscles now and then..they're located just under the Giggle Bone, by the way..

I love the Wonderful Wit of Mudcat, along with all the interesting and crazy things you can learn on here...

Long Live Silly Threads!
Lizzie :0)