The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #132588   Message #3009557
Posted By: Bobert
17-Oct-10 - 10:49 PM
Thread Name: BS: Tea Party = Flawed Economic Model
Subject: RE: BS: Tea Party = Flawed Economic Model
So to recap Tea Party Econimics 101...

1. Tax cut fir the wealthy because they create jobs... No, they really don't... Top Fortune 500 as flush with cash ($17T) uninvested and so giving them even more cash ain't gonna do squat...

2. Stimilus hasn't created jobs... I mean, how do you argue with retards??? If you put $500B or so into the economy for shovel ready projects someone has to man the shovels.... Of course the stimulis created jobs...

3. The corporations do a better job than the government... Hmmmmmm??? Just ask the millions of working Americans how they liked Boss Hog reniging on the pensions that Boss Hog promised them while they were making Boss Hog a very rich man...

4. Socialism is evil... No, not really... Socialism is kinda the same as civilization... It provides for roads and swage and police and fire fighters and education... Ta ke away those things and you have Haiti...

5. Privatization is wonderful... Oh??? Where do you draw the line??? Let a corrupt government sell the air we breathe and then sell it back to us??? I mean, talk about Mad Max, After the Thunderdome...

6. Rich people are rich because they worked hard... No, 90% of those in the upper 5% were born into the upper 5%... Well, shame on you poor people... You should have picked rich aprents... That's ya'll's bad...

7. You fight deficits with tax cuts... Huh???... Okay, that is like me getting behind on my bills so I figure the best way outta the mess is to quit my job???? I mean, this is some seriously flawed tea...

8. Obama is running up the defict... No, yet another TeaLie... The '09 deficit was 100% on Bush because the incoming president takes on the last presidents budget during the 1st year of his new administration...

9. Well, Obama's 1st budget year is a record $1.3T deficit... Another bogus TeaLie... No, actually the fact is that Obama did reduce the annual deficit from $1.4T... So here we are qagain with Dems being the ones who shrink the defecits... Kinda a patter here going abck 30 years...

10. Well, Obama want's to take your guns away!!! Yeah, when backed into a corner with intellegence and facts Tea Party Nation always reverts to their default position that Obama wants to take their guns way??? What next, Obama is gonna steal yer car??? Molest yer kid??? Burn down yer church???


For anyone making it thru Tea Party Econ 101 I'd like to give ya' a pat on the back and 3 credit hours at BobertU... Heck, another 121 hours and you too could be a BobertU grad/alumni
