The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #132865   Message #3009619
Posted By: GUEST,Steamin' Willie
18-Oct-10 - 03:24 AM
Thread Name: Folk Singers Who Are Still Alive
Subject: RE: Folk Singers Who Are Still Alive
I once died at the Stainsby Festival. Too much beer during the day then on stage early evening. You would have thought as it was nearly 30 years ago... But some kind soul reminded me just the other night. He thought falling off the front of the stage was part of the act.... At least that got a cheer, but not collecting my cheque was dying all the same. Went back the next year as a marshal as a way to say sorry.

Somebody once genuinely died in the audience during my act. She just keeled over and there you go. (A hall in Knott End, Lancashire.) Awful to think her last thought was me singing some inane sing or other.... Just goes to show.. Do you really want to sing THAT song?   What if it is the last thing somebody hears? Tighten up your act Willie, there's a good chap.

Ok, this may be in the wrong thread, but either I am still alive or my pronouncements on religion in the BS threads don't offer up to scrutiny after all (!)