The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115883   Message #3009914
Posted By: Bobert
18-Oct-10 - 12:56 PM
Thread Name: BS: Popular Views: the Obama Administration
Subject: RE: BS: Popular Views: the Obama Administration
You must have missed the front page article in in the papersw last week, Sawz... I read it in the Charlotte Observer... If you Google it up, rather than just go straight to yer mythology bloggers you can find it...

Oh yeah... Yer pudder is locked into mythology websites... Has "reality" blocker program...

But again, seein' as you calim to not understand economics... There are many ways of looking a national debt and deficits... The righties who hate Obama use the most complicated factoring in all the debt since the beginning of time, with debt servicing variables, pi and lots of snake oil...

What we are talking about here is an ***annual*** deficit formula which takes revenues and subtracts spending during a ***single*** fiscal year... That is as simple as it has to be... No smoke, no mirrors, no right winged accountants stayin' up all night twisting stuff... Just the basics...

And the basics are that, according to the Charlotte Obaserver ( a rather right winged paper) the ***annual*** budget deficit decreased by one tenth of a trillion dollars which amounts to $100B in Obama's 1st budget cycle...
