The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #132437   Message #3010140
Posted By: Steve Shaw
18-Oct-10 - 06:15 PM
Thread Name: BS: True Test of an Atheist
Subject: RE: BS: True Test of an Atheist
["If some ignorant becassocked git splashes water over your head and pronounces you a member of the faith in front of relatives and "God", you're signed up. If some ignorant armed git chops your foreskin off within days of your birth in a big ceremony, you're signed up. In both cases, good and proper. In both cases you will be assiduously followed up all through your childhood by being force-fed doctrine and prayers in faith schools and/or your family until you can bleat the whole bloody thing out like a parrot. It's a damn sight more than just signing up, which is merely my euphemism for it. I can't understand why you can't grasp this."

You seem to be contradicting yourself, prof? Were you force-fed doctrine or were you not? If not, what are you so upset about? Also the tone of righteous indignation in the above statement is impossible to ignore. It jumps out in your face]

Talk about plumbing the depths of ignorance and stupidity. Do you think it's *Catholics* who hack kids' foreskins off? Why would I get upset about what some religion totally unrelated to my personal experience does? You are clearly lacking in education about world religions and their rituals. Are you of the age of majority yet?