The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #132437   Message #3010222
Posted By: Steve Shaw
18-Oct-10 - 08:13 PM
Thread Name: BS: True Test of an Atheist
Subject: RE: BS: True Test of an Atheist
"I'm far from lacking in education, professor shaw."

But clearly lacking in the sort of education that tells you where to use capital letters.

"We're you force-fed doctrine as a boy or not?"

Or the sort of education that tells you where apostrophes should go.

"when you're every world is a vilification of Catholicism"

Nice misuse of "you're" there, but I'll forgive you the typo following. I almost never attack people for their blatant illiteracy, but I will should they dare attack me for being "uneducated." Very dodgy, young man. I recommend you avoid. You are in a glass house.

To the substantive issue. Of course I was force-fed doctrine. Every kid who attends a faith school in whatever religion is force-fed doctrine (we could stop calling it doctrine, actually, which is rather respectable, and call it what it really is - lies), and a good number are force-fed it by their parents as well. But in my case it was not particularly repressive as my parents cared not a jot about my church-avoiding shenanigans once I was past about fifteen. You talk like a typical faithful Catholic, disappointed and insecure to see those who demur voicing their views. I'm bitter, resentful and militant, eh? Yeah, right. Listen up, young man. I've never voted Conservative in my life but I express opinions about the Conservative party that are every bit as vitriolic as anything I say about the Catholic church. The implication in your attack is that, somehow, as an ex-Catholic, I'm not entitled to voice my views lest I risk being subjected to particular scorn. Well sod that. The Catholic banana boat last floated out of my dock over thirty years ago and resentment I have none. Your trouble is that you can't distinguish resentment from objective criticism. Grow up.