The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #132935   Message #3010816
Posted By: Dan Schatz
19-Oct-10 - 01:31 PM
Thread Name: Folklore: Tricks and Tricksters
Subject: Folklore: Tricks and Tricksters
I am working on a service for my Unitarian Universalist congregation on tricks and tricksters, in celebration of Halloween. I've always been intrigued by the chaotic benevolence of the trickster as a figure.

I'd welcome any good references to folklore studies about tricksters - the functions of the trickster in various cultures, the good things we can learn from tricksters, and of course, good trickster stories. Extra points if anyone can relate any of this to the ancient festival of Samhain.

I seem to have played a trick on myself by choosing an interesting, but esoteric service topic! Thanks for any help you can give!
