The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #132930   Message #3010956
Posted By: Lox
19-Oct-10 - 04:36 PM
Thread Name: BS: Spending Cuts UK - The Thread
Subject: RE: BS: Spending Cuts UK - The Thread

    The Dispatches Documentary is very eyeopening.
    A little Article from George Monbiot caught my eye.

    George Monbiot.

    The subject of the article is "where" the cuts are being made.

    Quangos that help rich people get richer arent' being closed down,
    even if they have been shown to be hugely wasteful, on a scale
    hundreds of times greater than benefit payouts, but Quangos that help
    the environment or the poor are being eclipsed.

    Osborne and Cameron are a couple of evil shitbags.
