The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #132588   Message #3011404
Posted By: Bobert
20-Oct-10 - 09:25 AM
Thread Name: BS: Tea Party = Flawed Economic Model
Subject: RE: BS: Tea Party = Flawed Economic Model
Well, 999, don't try all three at the same time...

But, yeah, yer right... Ahhhhh, make that correct... I mean, Ron Paul wnats to repeal the Civil Rights Act because he thinks that lynchings and keeping black from voting is none of ther federal governments danged business...

The guy in Alaska thinks he's like some militart dictator in having his "private" security people (think Blackwater here) ***arrest*** a reporter for trying to ask him a question...

The one in Nevada wants to end Social Security and make fun of Hispanics...

The one in Delaward wants "creationism" taught in the schools...

The one in Wes Ginny thinks it perfectly okay to maul the name of a Hispanic Suprme Court justice???

I mean, lets get real here... These Tealibaners is all about racism and intolerance just their their Afgan counterparts...
