The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #132930   Message #3011652
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish 1
20-Oct-10 - 02:11 PM
Thread Name: BS: Spending Cuts UK - The Thread
Subject: RE: BS: Spending Cuts UK - The Thread
"There will be no jobs for these people to go into except care work? That is a mind boggling thought isn't it?"

It's been this way for years down here in the West Country, CS...and yet...we have to pay 50% HIGHER water rates for those bloody sharks at South West Water.

There ain't no jobs down here, barely above minimum wages..seriously not..Most are on minimum wage, have been for years and years..Care jobs are pretty much all there is. A bit of shop work if you're lucky, but so many shops are closing...

Torbay is particularly badly off. People here are already dirt poor.

Council house reviews? Yup, they should be reviewed from time to time, because someone could be living in one having found a highly paid job, and that's so unfair. I knew a bloke whose parents have always lived in their council house. They struggled all their lives, but when they died he was allowed to buy that house for a pittance, despite having a well paid job at British Telecom. Why?

As for foisting up rents, that's ridiculous. Where the fuck do they think people are going to get the money from?

I know what it's like to live in fear of losing everything, because it happened to my dear Dad. He never owned his house, had a private landlord on the Pinnerwood Park Estate. When he had the money, (in the days when houses there were valued around £2,000) they refused to sell any houses off. When he was doublecrossed by his business partner, losing all, he struggled for the remainder of his days. He'd struggled anyway, just being a humble optician. New landlords took over, sold off most of the private rented housing they'd inherited, for huge sums of money, then tried to inflate the rents of those who couldn't afford to buy in order to get them out so they could sell their houses too.

It was absolute shite. Dad was sick with worry. Luckily people were far more protected, tenants that is, in those days, so they only were able to increase the rent by a small amount, but they tried over and over, to get more money from folks who couldn't afford it.

I saw the worry, the suffering, the insecurity, firsthand..and I remember, when I was about 13 bursting into floods of tears at my friend's house, at the thought of losing the only 'home' I'd ever known. That house was part of me..I'd never known anything else, and now, some bastard had turned up trying to get us out.   I don't think any of us ever felt 'safe' there again..

I worry terribly for all those who are already struggling so very much...

Bonzo, please back off, you seemingly have no idea how so many people are suffering 'out here'...genuine people, good people, people who've scrimped and scraped their whole lives long. Yes, there are scroungers, there always will be, every country, and they'll always find a way to fiddle things, but there are many who are going to have such hardship forced upon them....

.....whilst these Bloody Bankers get away with EVERYTHING and give themselves bigger and bigger bonuses!

Levels, I was on the Poll Tax March, as I've said many a time..I'll be on the new ones that will be coming up very shortly too.

There are people out there who have so much of OUR money and no-one, but NO-ONE is making these bastards hand it back, not in the UK, nor the USA, nor Europe or anywhere else...

And they are literally, laughing all the way to their banks...where they sit and slobber over OUR money!!

Revolucion, here we come......