The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #132413   Message #3012733
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
21-Oct-10 - 11:41 PM
Thread Name: BS: October+ fall declutter & accountability
Subject: RE: BS: October+ fall declutter & accountability
Now that several trunks are out of the front room, I shoved the upright grand over a few inches and slid the dome top trunk against the wall beside it. I turned the futon couch and moved an armchair and small table in there that were previously in the way in the hall. With the wall of books and the piano, that couch doesn't really fit well in there, at least, not with things in the positions they're in now. That said, given a choice of places to sit, people will always use the futon, never the chair, so the futon is at least useful. It's also very comfortable to sleep on.

The armchair is one of several antiques I brought back from my aunt's house in Connecticut years ago, and if they're ever repaired and reupholstered, they'll be attractive and functional. Right now, they're in the way. Two are in the garage, one is in the front room. If they're not repaired recovered, they're very hard to sell. Conundrum here.