The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #132990   Message #3013252
Posted By: Donuel
22-Oct-10 - 04:23 PM
Thread Name: BS: NPR fires Juan Williams
Subject: RE: BS: NPR fires Juan Williams
Juan is protesting 6 hours on a day on FOX and radio. I think he protests too much and is overplaying his disgruntled employee part.

He is vowing to cause npr as much harm as possible. He and NEwt are now thick as theives. Much of his whining smacks of canned outrage and erroneous charges of censorship. The bitter conservatives who have suffered from factual releases by npr are hurriedly writting legislation to forbid all of the 1% of federal grants that npr used toward operations for which npr would bid on but not always win.

Think of it. Neocons went from unbid contracts to can;t bid contracts.

You know when every news organization is broadcasting the President of the United States aka Barak Obama EXCEPT FOX NEWS, isn;t that censorship? Telling parents to not allow their kids to listen to the education speech Obama makes for schools, isn;t that censorship.

I thin it is but I suppose it is different since their censorship is fair and balanced.