The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #132930   Message #3013261
Posted By: Richie Black (misused acct, bad email)
22-Oct-10 - 04:32 PM
Thread Name: BS: Spending Cuts UK - The Thread
Subject: RE: BS: Spending Cuts UK - The Thread
Those "genuinely" disabled will have nothing to fear. The government will means-test the handouts and the tax credits, this is aimed at cutting fraud and simplifying the system.

Millions of people simply believe it does not pay to work due to the generous handouts provided by the previous government. Welfare spending now accounts for a staggering 1/3 of all public spending. It is fact that the benefits bills had soared by 45 per cent under the previous government.

The best one has to be the one-year limit put on sickness benefit claims, also abused is the working tax credit, thankfully these are frozen for three years. Regarding the mobility allowances for people in care homes, research has shown that the payments were never or rarely used for transport by the claimants or transport was provided by 90% of the homes in the study. Some recipients tended to horde the payments.

We have to ensure that work pays, there will be a new cap on benefits that will ensure that no family can receive more on benefits than they would if they were in work.We owe that to the hard working young couples that pay their way through life rather than leech.

Housing benefit payments are another thing that is greatly abused, they will be slashed by increasing the age threshold for the shared room rate from 25 to 35. Why should we house people who decide not to work for a living ?

Frankly I thought the government did not go far enough, the finances of this country are in a mess thanks to Labour, attacking agreed rewards to successful executives in finance sounds more like childish jealousy. If you want to employ the right people that can make you money, then you have to reward them.

Regarding irresponsible street protests, they went out with the sixties, why burden the police with such nonsense, and who will take responsibility of those elements within who smash windows and deface public property like we witnessed on numerous previous gatherings ?