The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #132990   Message #3013512
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
23-Oct-10 - 01:29 AM
Thread Name: BS: NPR fires Juan Williams
Subject: RE: BS: NPR fires Juan Williams
Perhaps, Juan Williams, was COMMENTATING about his feelings, and made that distinction, between his feelings, and hard news. As a commentator, that is NOT out of line..after all, he was just stating his OPINION. That's what NPR paid him to do, isn't it??

When I heard it LIVE, it sorta flew right by me, because I knew he was just stating his feelings as an 'aside'....I was blown away, to find out he was actually canned for it. I thought that was VERY poor, and stupid judgment on NPR's part.

Now, NPR has drawn attention to the FACT that the left has little or NO tolerance for any freedom of speech, outside of their pretty little politically correct raps, custom wrapped in doilies for the fragile, but RIGID 'liberal' mindset. Now that NPR has done that, they have drawn a lot of flak for it...and deservedly so! NOTE: It was NOT on NPR's show or time. They have NO right to dictate what someone does or says away from company time!!!! They are WAY out of line, and I'm ashamed of them! They have definitely displayed hypocrisy, on a tyrannical level. Anyone who is not raising an eyebrow over this, needs to re-examine just how open minded you think you really are!. I hope NPR re-instates him, or gets the hell sued out of them!....which they could be vulnerable to.

So much for 'open minded liberals'!...They're phonies!..(as witnessed plenty, on here!)