The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #132413   Message #3013822
Posted By: katlaughing
23-Oct-10 - 03:24 PM
Thread Name: BS: October+ fall declutter & accountability
Subject: RE: BS: October+ fall declutter & accountability
Looks as though my decluttering may be on hold for a bit. Rog stepped off a small step ladder, the wrong way, on Thursday at work, and managed to fracture two bones in his right heel! He kept working because "it didn't hurt much," but by the time he came home he couldn't put any weight on it at all. Didn't want to go to hospital, so yesterday morning, when he realised it was worse than he thought, we went to Urgent Care, spent most of the day there and at the hospital in xray and CAT scan, as they thought two other small bones might be broken, they're not, thank goodness. So, they splinted it until the swelling from ligament stress goes down. He's to get a cast on Monday. So, I am chief cook, chauffeur, bottlewasher, hunter-gatherer, etc., etc.

I did a few things yesterday, mostly making sure Rog was comfortable and keeping his foot elevated. The doc asked if we wanted a wheelchair, but we told her, from my experience, an office chair works much better in this house, esp. with no arms on it. So he's got that plus crutches.

We hired Morgan for the morning, to help me. He vacuumed; took up a wood strip between the hall floor and living room floor so Rog can get over it more easily with the chair; carried a laundry basket back to the bedroom; and, went grocery shopping with me. Little too rambunctious and excited, BUT he was able to load ALL of the groceries for me from the cart to the space inside the side door of our minivan. By then, I called my daughter for more troops. I knew he'd need my help to get it all in the house and I was not up for it, so my SIL came over, carried all the bags in in two trips which would have taken us several, and I sent Morgan home with a five dollar bill with a promise of another when he comes back tomorrow to help with the litter boxes and mopping. He wants to do those, esp. the mopping! Oh, and he's going to do the trash, too. His mom also promised him five dollars if he got a good report from me. Which he did, of course.:-)

If I get some rest, I may try to get more put up on etsy and the bookstore, tomorrow, and I have jewellery supplies which should be here by Tuesday. Monday we go to the doc's to get the cast.

You know, I am grateful it was only his foot. I realise how much Rog does for me and sometimes wonder what I would do if something happened to him. His heart is in good shape and all of his bloodwork is fine; but extreme job stress can take its toll and there's been a lot of that, lately. With this, I am getting a good idea of what it would be like in some ways and I get to do so with him intact, so to speak, right here with me, so it may sound a bit odd, but I am grateful it was only his foot. Heck of a way to finally get him to take some time off, though! And, he will be right back in there, cast and crutches as soon as the doc says okay. It is Workman's Comp, so I KNOW he will have to listen to them!

Thanks for listening. I am off for a lie down, then late lunch.
