The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133040   Message #3014168
Posted By: theleveller
24-Oct-10 - 08:57 AM
Thread Name: BS: Selling Off UK Forests & Woodlands
Subject: RE: BS: Selling Off UK Forests & Woodlands
As usual, the devil is in the detail - as Mark Avery of the RSPB points out, it depends which areas are sold. The Foresty Commission has apretty woeful record on conservation, as is shown by the vast acres of single species pine plantations where planting is so dense that there is no underbrush and practically no wildlife. These are, in effect, 'tree factories' and have spoiled many previously picturesque landscapes. In order to retain their diversity and usefulness, deciduous woods and forests have, for centuries, been managed. The traditional way was coppicing and this is now making a comeback as it is sound environmentally and can provide an income from the land.

Tdea of giving some woods to community groups and cahrites is a good one if it actually happens.