The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133040   Message #3014283
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish 1
24-Oct-10 - 12:03 PM
Thread Name: BS: Selling Off UK Forests & Woodlands
Subject: RE: BS: Selling Off UK Forests & Woodlands
"Lizzie, I'd be genuinely interested in knowing what you think we should do."

We need to *somehow* get the message out, not just about this, but about so many other things as well. It needs to be out in the media, where people will HEAR it, not just read about it. It needs to be either on BBC Breakfast News, or on their local radio stations, exactly where the idea of the Poll Tax Marches came about.

I've said so often that it was ONE woman from Devon who started that ball rolling, by going on Radio Devon and saying the Poll Tax was wrong and we should all oppose it...The idea took off from that one interview.

I've already left a message on Shep and Jo's FB page, who are presenters from BBC Radio Devon...and I've got the email address (somewhere) of the chap who produces Judi Spiers show...

You find me the outlet, levells, I'll go on there and rage about my country and all that we have lost, all that we stand to lose...

I was thinking about this on the way home earlier, on the bus...what to call 'a movement'....I kept coming up with 'Battle of Britain 2'..but it's not just Britain is it, it's the whole damned world that needs to stand up against The Corporate Bastards. We're all in the same boat, being bled dry whilst they're living the high life..

And whilst I was waiting for my bus, up at St. Marychurch I was watching the decoraters putting the finishing touches to the newly decorated Lloyds Bank..and thinking of the newly decorated and refitted Barclays Bank in the main town, along with some of the smaller banks, also being done up......

And I started to seethe again....

I am permanently tinderbox seething at the moment....have been for years, let's face it...but selling off our ancient woodlands has sent me over the top....

And sorry, but I don't believe all the 'good stuff' that's in that article, although I agree about the pine forests needing to be sorted out. As the Union Rep said in there, once these beautiful, wild places are gone, they are gone FOREVER.