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Thread #132990   Message #3014683
Posted By: Jack the Sailor
24-Oct-10 - 11:20 PM
Thread Name: BS: NPR fires Juan Williams
Subject: RE: BS: NPR fires Juan Williams
Tell that (via seance) to the late Daniel Schorr, who by the way spent many years at NPR, and often opined elsewhere during that tenure.

I have heard Schorr dozens of times, maybe hundreds, I rarely agreed with his analysis. But I will tell you this. Williams and Schorr stared the same title, Senior News Analyst. Juan Williams was no Daniel Schorr.

Since you are answering my point about what NPR considered to be the roll of a News Analyst, I wonder why you bring up O'Reilly and Olbermann. They do not work for NPR. They are not news reporters. They are not news analysts. They are not experts on anything to do with the News. While both often comment, neither are simply commentators. Both are interviewers and entertainers more than anything else. The main difference between the two is that Olbermann values the truth and will admit when something he has said is found to be inaccurate. It is silly to think that because Juan Williams once hosted his show that Bill O'Reilly's status has been switched from provocateur loony to news analyst.

My God! Do you think that Hannity is a News Analyst? Or Limbaugh? Or Beck?