The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #120208   Message #3014703
Posted By: Sawzaw
25-Oct-10 - 12:33 AM
Thread Name: BS: KKK/Tea Party Day
Subject: RE: BS: KKK/Tea Party Day
If you have answered it, perhaps you can direct me to it Bobert.

I can't find anybody that has seen it. Are we all blind?

It is not about sides Bobert. It is not about how many are on your side and how many are on the other side.

It is about right and wrong.

But it seems that you want to choose up sides and fight rather than acknowledge the facts.

Now back to Facts, as painful as they are for you.

How many of those "white people" who "hate President Obama" voted for him?

The independent Quinnipiac University poll finds:

By a 28 - 23 percent margin, American voters have a favorable opinion of the Tea Party, with 49 percent who say they don't know enough about the group to form an opinion.

American voter opinion of the Democratic Party is 48 - 33 unfavorable, with opinion of the Republican Party 42 - 33 percent unfavorable.

While 70 percent of all voters are "somewhat dissatisfied" or "very dissatisfied" with the way things are going in America today, 92 percent of Tea Party members are dissatisfied.

Government does too many things better left to businesses and individuals, 54 percent of all voters say, while 42 percent say government is not doing enough. Tea Party members say 83 - 15 percent that government is doing too much.

"The Tea Party movement is mostly made up of people who consider themselves Republicans," said Peter A. Brown, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Polling Institute.

Looking at voters who consider themselves part of the Tea Party movement:

    * 74 percent are Republicans or independent voters leaning Republican;
    * 16 percent are Democrats or independent voters leaning Democratic;
    * 5 percent are solidly independent;
    * 45 percent are men;
    * 55 percent are women;
    * 88 percent are white;
    * 77 percent voted for Sen. John McCain in 2008;
    * 15 percent voted for President Barack Obama.
