The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #25583   Message #301477
Posted By: Catrin
20-Sep-00 - 01:44 PM
Thread Name: BS: Mudcat Newcomers' Tavern
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Newcomers' Tavern
heave-awaaaaay, haul awaaaay (joining in).

Nynia - I was a mature student too (35 when I graduated). I loved it. I found that being a wee bit older I had more experience to draw on and new concepts were easier (well, less difficult) to understand than might have been the case when I was eighteen. In fact when I was eighteen I was a complete scally and totally incapable of learning anything. It was the right time for me.

I'm starting an MA in creative writing next week. Not for work or career or anything. Just because I love writing.

And Jock CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This round's on me.
