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Thread #132930   Message #3014808
Posted By: mandotim
25-Oct-10 - 06:43 AM
Thread Name: BS: Spending Cuts UK - The Thread
Subject: RE: BS: Spending Cuts UK - The Thread
Er; I think I acknowledged that banking regulation should have gone further under Labour, and at no point did I praise Gordon Brown. What I was seeking was balance; it's fair to blame people when they are in the wrong, and to the extent that they are wrong, but not otherwise.
OK Ringer, some simple corrections; you claim Labour inherited a 'fairly healthy' economy. This depends on your definition of 'health'. If you mean 'balance of payments', then yes, the Coservatives had reduced debt over their term of office (though not by as much or as fast as Labour did prior to the banking crisis.) If you mean structural health, that's a different matter; the Tories systematically destroyed manufacturing in this country, leaving a gross over-reliance on service organisations and - significantly - financial services. That structural weakness is a major factor in our current problems, along with the equally systematic destruction of medium-sized companies. (Contrast Germany, which places great importance on manufacturing and the 'Mittelstand' companies). And yes; Labour didn't do enough to restore our manufacturing base, but fair analysis shows they didn't destroy it in the first place.
I explained about the different versions of capitalism as a way of correcting your view, but you don't seem to have understood this point.
I also pointed out the error in your analysis of banking regulation, and the responsibilities of banks irrespective of regulatory frameworks. Banks have grown to see 'making profits and bonuses' as their prime function; their 'mission', if you like. Whilst this may be ok for many commercial organisations, banking has traditionally had a different function in the economy, which I described as the 'first commandment'.
This is a complicated situation we are in, and reading and careful analysis is of value when trying to understand the issue. I'm not taking the standard left-wing line that says 'it's all the Tories fault', or 'down with Capitalism'; that's not helpful, but neither is spouting the opposite as a right wing knee-jerk response to a logical argument.