The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133046   Message #3014815
Posted By: GUEST,Ralphie
25-Oct-10 - 07:00 AM
Thread Name: How much would you pay for a CD?
Subject: RE: How much would you pay for a CD?
The Steeleye Span with the deliberate jump was their accapella version of Rave On. Which they did for a laugh. Saw them doing it live too!
Added crackles? haven't heard Mr Fly's track, but the last track on ELOISE (thats enough plugs ed!) Hopscotch, is a recreation of an Alexander Price tune recorded originally on 78 in 1910 ish. Concertina and Piano.
Using the looped surface noise from the original 78, I recorded the tina and piano accompaniment on a csrbon granule microphone!
I also remember there was a blues song (Stones in my Pathway) on the Young Tradion LP "Galleries" performed by Peter Bellamy using the same technique. i rememeber that he was really thrilled when people got upset about it! No sense of irony some people!