The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #132930   Message #3014834
Posted By: GUEST,Patsy
25-Oct-10 - 07:33 AM
Thread Name: BS: Spending Cuts UK - The Thread
Subject: RE: BS: Spending Cuts UK - The Thread
>I had hoped that as the father of a child with severe disabilities (who sadly died last year) we could expect that whatever else David Cameron might do, he could be relied on to refrain from targeting people with disabilities when it came to imposing cuts.

I suppose I should have known better. <

Here, here, I see he has conveniently forgotten his situation with his child but I expect he was fortunate enought to have a big enough silver spoon in his mouth to pay for it. Ordinary people are not as fortunate and as always Mental Health and caring profession gets hit the hardest time and time again for the people who need help the most. I agree there are some people out there who make it bad for everyone else but it shouldn't be assumed that because someone is unable to fill out a form properly without making mistakes that it is the peron's fault and be fined how ridiculous. You will have autistic people up and down the land being fined especially as with my son the diagnosis wasn't properly confirmed until 3/4 years ago. If someone fell through the net again he/she could find himself/herself in all kinds of difficulties. Lucky he has a team now who will speak out for him now but others might not be so lucky.