The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133113   Message #3016235
Posted By: Genie
26-Oct-10 - 05:50 PM
Thread Name: BS: Political Head Stomping (US - Kentucky)
Subject: RE: BS: Political Head Stomping (US - Kentucky)
Last I heard, Ron Paul had only commented - via his "organization" - that he decried the "scuffle" that occurred and admonished all parties to exercise restraint and civility (paraphase) and that he was relieved that no one was injured.

First, there's no evidence I've seen or heard to the effect that Lauren Valle in any way instigated the "scuffle" or even fought back physically.   

Second, stomping on the head/shoulders of someone who's already on the ground and being held down by someone else is not what I call a "scuffle." It's assault and battery.

Third, Valle was diagnosed with "mild sprains and a concussion" after being taken to hospital. I'd say the "no one was injured" comment was premature and presumptuous.   

Republicans/ Tea Partiers are upset because a stage hand at a Democratic rally was sent home - with pay - for refusing to take off (or turn inside out) a shirt that said "Bush." Yet people who are not Republican Party or Tea Party supporters are forcibly removed from pro-Repubican rallies, even handcuffed and arrested, and when one of them is physically attacked by a Rand Paul supporter, Paul won't even condemn that action.

Lauren Valle was an "infiltrator" posing as a Rand supporter, attempting to get a picture of herself presenting Paul with a fake award. Since when is that a threat to a candidate?
Where's the "libertarian" voice defending her right to do that?