The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133103   Message #3016697
Posted By: Teribus
27-Oct-10 - 09:30 AM
Thread Name: BS: Has Afghanistan become another Vietnam?
Subject: RE: BS: Has Afghanistan become another Vietnam?
Has Afghanistan become another Vietnam? - Short answer is no it has not, nor will it become another Vietnam.

"The USA is there to dominate that piece of strategic real estate and ship oil through it from the Caspian region."

Fatuous rubbish as there are already at least five pipelines in existence that export oil from the Caspian region to the west that do not run through war zones. Besides there were never any plans for an oil pipeline to cross Afghanistan in the first place, there are none on the table now.

People keep harping on about Karzai and his corrupt government. Casting around you will see that every single government in the region is corrupt, so why everyone insists on Karzai's being any different mystifies me, at least in comparison to the others Karzai's was at least elected. The former "Government" of Mullah Mohammad Omar's Taleban were not only thoroughly corrupt they were also amazingly incompetent.

Between April 1978 and October 2001 somewhere in the region of 2 million Afghans were killed which works out at an average daily death toll over the period of 248 people. Since October 2001 to the present some 34,000 Afghans have been killed which works out at 11 killed per day, out of which 8 are killed by the Taleban. The sole reason for the reduction in the average daily death toll is the presence of ISAF/US-OEF troops and the Afghan Security Forces. Since October 2001 there has been a force present inside Afghanistan tasked with the protection of the general population, they have reduced the scale of the slaughter by 96%.

Reconstruction work is underway throughout the country, and this work is producing jobs. The city of Kabul that lay in ruins in November 2001, with a population of only 250,000 is now largely rebuilt and the population has returned to its pre-1978 level of some 3.5 million.

The Taleban will never regain power for the same reason that the analogy with Vietnam won't work, there is no-one to play the part of the Russians, the Chinese or even the North-Vietnamese in Afghanistan.