The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133113   Message #3017939
Posted By: GUEST,Songbob
28-Oct-10 - 03:22 PM
Thread Name: BS: Political Head Stomping (US - Kentucky)
Subject: RE: BS: Political Head Stomping (US - Kentucky)
I don't think the car window was even open. To me, it appears she held up the sign, but was immediately tackled by the Paul supporters who had by that time surrounded her (they'd identified her earlier -- hence their complaint that the police weren't helpful in removing her before she could wave the sign), then chased around the car to where they tackled, dumped, and stomped her.

The Republican image of liberals is that we are not much removed from thugs, out to use violence at all opportunities, and dangerous. With that 'world-view,' it's not surprising they would over-react to an attempt to embarrass their candidate by calling attention to his pandering and protection of the multi-national corporations that essentially own the party. To them, any attempt to gain attention by 'our side' is an assault, to be met with force.

At Obama's and other Democratic events, right-whingers have even sported firearms and have not been tackled, shoved, or threatened. Shunned, yes, and, when the tea party bully-boys have attacked, resisted (that 'union thug assaults black Republican' video shows the union man on the ground, and his attacker -- Gladsen, I think his name is -- being knocked off his feet before he can continue his assault, but no stomping or mob violence).

Of course, George W. Bush's approach -- remove anyone even vaguely opposed (the evidence: a T-shirt, bumper sticker, or general appearance) and put them in a "free speech zone" blocks away -- is an example of how to avoid having to curb-stomp 'the enemy.'

I've never seen such a parcel of whiny, whinging, cringing, assholes in my life as we see in today's Republican't Party. There's a term for the psychological displacement of blame, called 'projection,' where the disturbed individual assigns to his enemies all his own problems, and these poor souls exhibit that to a remarkable degree. It's their way of life and modus operandi.

They're ramping up the 'vote fraud' talk now, for example, to cover their own method of thumb-on-the-scales electioneering, which is voter suppression (disenfranchising groups of voters liable to be on your opponent's side -- Google 'voter caging' for how it works). Actual voting fraud is pretty rare. For instance, during the Bush administration's long period of investigating purported fraud, less than 100 convictions were obtained, no matter how hard they tried to find it.

So when grown men assault 'enemies' of right-whinge candidates, keep in mind that these are psychologically damaged individuals -- and pose a possible danger to themselves as much as to others. They should be pitied.

Or they're just thuggish apes, and should be treated as such.

Occam's razor comes to mind.
