The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #12472   Message #3018146
Posted By: ClaireBear
28-Oct-10 - 08:31 PM
Thread Name: Mudcat Campfire
Subject: RE: Mudcat Campfire
Nobody else got anything? My, it's lonely tonight, Well then, here's a bit more...

* * *

His heart pounded so, that he scarcely could hear
The ghost's "Twick or Tweat!" as she choked back a tear.
But she thrust forth her sack and she mutely entreated,
Her little hands trembling as her courage retreated.
"Spirit, what do you seek?" Asked the frightened woodsman.
"I'll comply if I must. I will do what I can."
"Twick or Tweat," she replied. "Any candy fow me?"
"Oh dear me," he said. "I might just. Let me see."

He made haste to comply, lest he anger his guest.
His homemade confection was, luckily, the best.
"I have sweets," said the woodsman. "But you must agree:
If I fill your bag, bring no mischief on me."
"I'm a kind, fwiendly ghost!" she laughed 'neath her sheet,
"So I might wet you wiv if you give me a tweat."
Soon, Joe wiped his brow as she homeward did trudge.
Her little sack bulging with sweet, homemade fudge.

And as Joe closed his door, he declared to the night
That "In all my born days I've not seen such a sight."
In the township below, a sole light flickered on,
Then another, another, so forth and so on.
And a bustling arose as small creatures poured forth,
And they aimed for the hill as a needle points North.
A monster, a ghost, and a fairy princess;
A woodsman, a werewolf, a maid in distress;

Ali Baba, Kublai Khan, Robin Hood and Maid Marion;
Tiny Tim, Captain Hook, and a small glowing skeleton.
Now, can you imagine the expression he wore
When the old woodsman answered this knock at his door?
"Trick or Treat! Trick or Treat! Fill our bags! Give us sweets!"
Then they haunted the porch as he made them all treats,
You could feel his relief as the last left his door.
"I'll keep cooking," said he. "They might come back for more."

* * *

Say, is anybody else getting hungry here, or is it just me? Anyone?