The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #132413   Message #3018338
Posted By: wysiwyg
29-Oct-10 - 06:07 AM
Thread Name: BS: October+ fall declutter & accountability
Subject: RE: BS: October+ fall declutter & accountability

I can relate!


Updates below are set off in italics for son's reading convenience. (He's been calling me nightly to check on me and was not able last night but was able to look here.)

Monday: Landing sitting room part 1; regular upstrs chores
Took large empty box up to use in sorting, ydy. (Brought one large item down that I need elsewhere.) Took before pix this AM. Going back up shortly for chores. AM studies AWESOME with new resources. One load of laundry soaking. A bit left to put away (mostly done).

Tuesday: Sitting room part 2, next pix for attic room, trash-- lunch and POOL in town. Did some on each of these. Landing needs Hardi's step next.

Wednesday: MRI and doc visit; more laundry, clean dnstrs loo Adrian came and did the loo part and much more, TBTG. BP had not really moved much but MRI went well.

Thursday: Vac office, hallway, & sitting room, POTTER COUNTY visit for water/see friend. Thursday's plan was what I have come to call a "casualty of ministry. I am not the casualty, but sometimes my plans are when they are pre-empted. The task not done was my office, but it doesn't really bother anyone but me and I am using dnstrs spaces for many office tasks, this week at least. It's cold up there and not yet so cold I want to run expensive heat. Fine for sleeping. (Not fine for settin' around over books. Too bad, another neat study resource floated into present time.... I brought it down... another arrived in ydy's mail with more on the way out of the *scholarship* bucks that arrived.)

Friday: Clean laundry room Also done by Adrian. I get to clean up after myself dnstrs instead, LOL, and do the dishes or some other faskinatin' wifely thing.

Saturday: Police porches LOL, this will include very little work but much fresh air and unloading water jugs WAY too heavy for me. I bet the Ninja will find his phone msg today and bop over to see what I had called about. Or his dad will see me unloading and stop to lend a hand. It often works like that around here. :~)

Sunday: Pack for my W Va. trip On schedule!!!

Monday: Get ready for my departure A day extra! Probably a casualty of ministry, too.

Friend happens to be coming into town, will spend one afternoon at his place I hope. Done! Ed came along!

The new scooter is in the works. The old scooter which works for very brief periods at a time will probably be donated to the church for use inside it, as was originally going to be one of its many uses. The new one will live at home-- it's a 4-wheel model I can get onto the porch for myself and is able to be left outside in winter. That will happen when Hardi gets back and will further declut and winterize the front porch. LOL, the heated garage we always wanted. We'll need a good bike lock to lock up the snowblower.
