The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #25575   Message #301850
Posted By: GUEST,Claire
20-Sep-00 - 09:28 PM
Thread Name: Irish song info request
Subject: RE: Irish song info request
Hi there, First of all, Thank you so much Noreen for looking into Lonely Shanakyle for me. Perhaps the 1960's date was a misprint on the cd (or maybe I copied the date down wrong). I am so glad to know when it was written, because I have wondered how those poignant lines could possibly have been written in retrospect (ie from the 1960's).

Alice, Lonely Shanakyle was recorded by Deante and by Dirvish. My rendition is a bit different from both of them. After I learn a song, I try to put my own feeling and ornamentation into the song, so I don't listen to the recording very much after a certain point.

Thank you for your encouragement about the song list. I only hope I can do the wonderful material justice. Our first recording date is the 30th. Yikes.
