The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133171   Message #3018560
Posted By: Emma B
29-Oct-10 - 11:41 AM
Thread Name: BS: The Drugging of our Children
Subject: RE: BS: The Drugging of our Children
"One is mainstream conventional medicine and the big drug companies.
The other is alternative medicine and natural cures."

Too simplistic LH

I believe in both 'conventional' western medicine and complimentary medicine and have benefitted from both; in fact I have had my life saved on two occasions by conventional medication and had my GP recommend an osteopath for one condition and suggest diet changes to help to deal with another.

While there may be a lot of truth in Willie's observation that GPs in the UK are often under far too much pressure from patients who believe there is a golden pill for everything that ails them, medically or socially, I don't think this implies that GPs are somehow disreputably hand in glove with the pharmaceutical companies
The General Medical Council specifically decrees
'If you have financial or commercial interests in organisations providing healthcare or in pharmaceutical or other biomedical companies, these interests must not affect the way you prescribe for, treat or refer patients'
(The Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry's Code of Practice for the Pharmaceutical Industry, covers inducements, hospitality and other issues)
Generic prescribing, for example, is one of the ways in which the NHS saves money that can be better spent elsewhere.

I've nothing against using 'natural' cures for the annual miserable cold either (and do!) but I'm not sure it's the answer to agressive cancer

I do have qualms however about the peddling of 'quack' cures that claim to give hope to people prepared to spend almost anything on a sick child or relative which not only have no effect but may even cause more harm

There are fraudsters in any area that money can be made by fraud
Health fraudsters can take advantage of the back-to-nature movement, capitalizing on the notion that there ought to be (and sometimes are) simple, natural solutions.