The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #132437   Message #3018776
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
29-Oct-10 - 03:41 PM
Thread Name: BS: True Test of an Atheist
Subject: RE: BS: True Test of an Atheist
John P: "And trying to wiggle out of being called a bigot towards gay people doesn't really work when you stretch a point to that extent just so you can spout off about gay people in the middle of a discussion about atheists and believers. Also, have you really not heard about the prevalence of rape as a method of spreading AIDS in Africa? It's all the fault of all those loose women, of course . . . "

Steve: "Well, guest ex-Sanity, that is a not only a seriously homophobic post, in spite of your token effort to cover up the fact, and it also shows pig ignorance about what's going on in Africa, in which heterosexual dissemination is easily the more preferred method of spread by the HIV virus."

Can't you fucking READ and COMPREHEND?????

GfS: "They'd rather spread their gospel of no God/no conscience when it comes to that, rather than take responsibility for their behavior....and stomp out the idea that there is a God...a giver a life, who they have no interest in bringing into the world, because they emotionally haven't got past their genitals being only for their immediate pleasure...and therefore, have no need to pay attention to all the other pair bonding mechanisms that comes with bringing life into the world, and caring for that child....other than adopting one, for their self image, and amusement!! This is also true for PROMISCUOUS HETEROS... Anybody home??"

Ummm.....I think people USUALLY get AIDS from PROMISCUOUS SEXUAL ACTIVITY, Steve....not because of ant edicts from anywhere! I suppose if you REALLY felt that strongly about it, you'd be discouraging people from loose sexual behavior......and stop blaming anyone's dogma!"

GfS: "P.S. BTW, I included PROMISCUOUS HETEROS in my post, so don't reply saying I'm bagging on just homos....however, homosexuals tend to have your same arguments about God, and at the same time want recognition, in the churches!!"

I guess I hit a 'hot button' in your selective comprehension!!!

Again, Anybody home???!!!???