The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133113   Message #3019030
Posted By: Sawzaw
29-Oct-10 - 09:10 PM
Thread Name: BS: Political Head Stomping (US - Kentucky)
Subject: RE: BS: Political Head Stomping (US - Kentucky)
I am guilty of exaggeration myself. I read about the smile and I assumed it was true. I can't see a smile nor do I see any expression of pain.

The wig was not an invitation but it is a fake thing that takes away any credibility. Along with the fake award and the fake corporation.

It tells me that it was something phony. Like the pimp and hooker clothes used to bamboozle ACORN.

She had a sticker on her sweatshirt that read "I'm a Rand Fan" more fakery.

She said she was a paid employee of Why didn't this ordinary everyday honest innocent person she have a employee sticker on her shirt?

The New York Daily News reports Valle, a 23-year old Columbia religion graduate, was hired by for three weeks to work on the Republicorp project in Kentucky.

In April of 2008, Valle was also arrested after chaining herself to Citibank's headquarters building in New York as part of a protest related the RainForest Action Network's campaign. Dressed in costume as a Billionaire for Dirty Energy

Valle and four other protesters were arrested and detained in China in August of 2008 after illegally hoisting a banner just outside the National Stadium in Beijing's Olympic Park.

She has felony charges after being arrested in May along with six others in Louisiana for her antics in a Greenpeace activism stunt. The group of activists had already been repeatedly warned by law enforcement to stay away from the area, after being spotted in the area the week leading up to the incident. The incident was serious enough that it drew the attention of the New Orleans Joint Terrorism Taskforce, which also reviewed the case. This is also very similar to the work of The Ruckus Society, another organization funded by George Soros.