The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #25501   Message #301921
Posted By: The Beanster
20-Sep-00 - 10:50 PM
Thread Name: another one lost
Subject: RE: another one lost
Bartholomew-- I love sardines! I was just using what appears to be the Guest poster's logic when I made that entry. As someone else said, "throw the baby out with the bathwater." Makes no sense.

Let me just add here that I think a lot of you folks here are too nice! lol Nicer than me, that's for sure! I can't believe the word "guilt" has been used here, several times. How could you guys (not a gender-specific word) possibly feel guilty about someone leaving who doesn't even have the guts to use his/her name to make the opening statement?? Do you feel like you did something wrong?? Baloney--nobody has done anything here to feel guilty about. Don't pull your lovely hair(s) out over this one. If they want to go, they'll go and happy trails to them.

Besides, if Ms./Mr. Anonymous up there were really taking a hike outta here, that's all the more reason to use his/her name, isn't it? I mean, at this point, when they're halfway out the Mudcat door and presumably, we'll never hear from them again, wouldn't that be the perfect time to use their own name to drive the point home--so we could tell just how much we were losing? Hmmmmmm. Maybe that should tell us something...