The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133113   Message #3019406
Posted By: Genie
30-Oct-10 - 02:22 PM
Thread Name: BS: Political Head Stomping (US - Kentucky)
Subject: RE: BS: Political Head Stomping (US - Kentucky)
Sawzaw and pdq,

Since when is it against the law - or even a "threat" - for a reporter or political activist or just a non-supporter to try to discredit a politician, e.g., by asking a probing question, by carrying a protest sign, or by presenting them with a fake award?

If you or your "security" staff can be "provoked" into assaulting or having the police detain someone just for wearing a wig (so they won't be summarily removed by your guards for "being a known liberal") and "shoving" a "fake award from a fake corporation" "in your face," that's excessive censorship, excessive fear of confrontation, and excessive force.   Unless something "shoved in your face" (e.g., a microphone or camera or placard) actually threatens physical harm, it's not an assault if you're a politician; the press corps does that to our elected representatives all the time, especially during an election season.

Nobody was labelled a "criminal" for going into ACORN's offices in disguise. But some of those people did commit fraud by videoing their visits to ACORN offices and then doctoring the videos to grossly misrepresent what happened there. (E.g., wearing ordinary street clothes in the interview and then photoshopping the video to show them wearing "pimp" garb.)

If you say " needed to make it happen," then the Rand Paul people are fools to take the bait and allow themselves to be 'forced' to commit battery on an unarmed woman who posed no real threat.

[["Would it be OK for someone sent on a mission with a wig to try to shove a fake award from a fake corporation into Obama's face when he gets out of a car?"]]

Of COURSE it would!
Such a person would have a right to get as close to the President as anyone else in the crowd would.
Nowadays, the Secret Service doesn't let many people get very close to any President unless they've gone through a lot of screening to make sure they have no weapons on them. But a placard or sign that's anti-Obama is no more a potential weapon than one saying "Yes, We Can!"