The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133171   Message #3020344
Posted By: Dorothy Parshall
31-Oct-10 - 07:15 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Drugging of our Children
Subject: RE: BS: The Drugging of our Children
There is increasing research showing that most of our health problems can be directly attributed to toxins in the environment.

A close friend eliminated her own bi-polar symptoms by eating good quality food.

Her son was poisoned by an organophosphate in school and became learning disabled as a result.

She has studied and learned how to help people de-tox and get their lives back - her son and I are two of her first line successes. Without her help I would still be a couch potato - or dead. Another close friend would still be in bed most of everyday instead of being able to lose 50 pounds, work outside the home and have a life. Clear the toxins, clear the body and mind - and spirit!

Read - Why David hated Tuesdays.

Watch - Waiting for Superman - I was on the verge of tears throughout - I wrote a paper on that addressed many of these issues in 1971.

I have seen kids damaged by the schools - bad teachers and toxic buildings. Toxic environments clearly cause behavioural problems - and then the kids are further damaged by being punished for the behaviour caused by the failure of the school, or parents, to provide a safe environment.

Is this an over simplification? Look for the research yourselves. It is crystal clear for anyone willing to see it.

We are allowing our children and ourselves to be made ill and, sometimes, behaviourally dangerous as long as we allow our governments to continue to allow the multinationals to pollute our air and water.

Often the first sign of environmental poisoning is anger. I have experienced it in myself and learned to avoid as much as possible but the toxins are omnipresent.

And, yes, our education needs to address the needs of each individual and not just the 20% who fit the system.