The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #25626   Message #302038
Posted By: hesperis
21-Sep-00 - 01:55 AM
Thread Name: Rick Kane plays tonight in Orillia
Subject: RE: Rick Kane plays tonight in Orillia
Yeah, that was annoying. Jesse with the Long Hair is one of my favorite songs! And Rick does it well.

Aside from the breaks whenever he hears that rattle, it's great to hear.

Other songs of the evening that I loved were Meadow-muffin Blues, Big-Assed Molly, and the one that goes "Dreamin' just comes nat'ral" whatever it's called. Oh, and "It's so hard not to fall in love with ewe" is a beautiful song. Arrgh, it's "you", not "ewe"!!! (In-joke for the Orillia crowd.)

Little Hawk did a couple of pieces while Rick was on his break, and the Hawkster is actually not too bad. (*eg*)

We're going to have to get ol' flatso to play one of these days. (Nights, whatever.) Can I request Sloop John B? (I know it's overdone by some people, but I still like it.)

Anyway, if you're in Orillia on a wednesday evening, come on over to Finnegan's. It's great! (And the food is good, too.)
