The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133202   Message #3020401
Posted By: SINSULL
31-Oct-10 - 09:08 PM
Thread Name: BS: trick or treat in my town today
Subject: RE: BS: trick or treat in my town today
I love Halloween and gave away six huge bags of candy before turning out the front light - the signal that there was no candy left. All the trick or treaters were well behaved and hesitated to take more than one piece of candy. So cute when a little one would ask for M&Ms or some licorice.
I loved Halloween when I was a child. Still do.
Hope I am never too old to have candy ready for little devils, fairies, ghouls and one Corporate Asshole in a business suit representing free enterprise - brilliant!
One of the few things I miss from living in NYC was the annual Halloween party I put together for the neighborhood kids. We had the bet time with a treasure hunt, apples to dunk for, costumes, scary stories... good times.